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Studies point to many health benefits by using intermittent fasting. And have shown success for weight loss and overall health.

Intermittent Fasting: What the Science Shows

Intermittent fasting has become a popular weight-loss method. Proponents also point to other intermittent fasting benefits, including better heart health, reduced cancer and Alzheimer’s disease risk, and improved blood sugar levels. But what does the science show when it comes to the effectiveness of intermittent fasting? History Researchers have been studying intermittent fasting for over 25 years.  Most studies have involved animals. But clinical trials with humans have also been done.  Intermittent fasting became popular …

Weight loss is not linear, it will go up and down, but if you continue with the consistency and get back up, the weight loss will stick.

6 Key Tips For Lasting Weight Loss

Losing weight is a task that many people take on regularly. Workout plans and meal plans are reviewed, a gym membership, some new sneakers, and gear are purchased, and we get started. If there is a personal and strong “why” behind what is being done, anything is possible. During the beginning (if the motivation is there and the dedication) the weight starts to fall off (with a process being different for everyone and the rate …

You’ve started eating right, working out, getting sleep, and trying your hardest but you still can’t lose weight. While it can be frustrating especially when you are either just starting out or hit a plateau, understand there could be small reasons as to why you can’t lose weight and the scale isn’t budging.

Why Can’t I Lose Weight?

You’ve started eating right, working out, getting sleep, and trying your hardest but you still can’t lose weight. What is the problem? While it can be frustrating especially when you are either just starting out or hit a plateau. Understand there could be small reasons as to why you can’t lose weight and the scale isn’t budging. Below are some of those reasons and what you can do to get the scale moving again (and …

You can lose weight with intermittent fasting. Chose a plan that fits your lifestyle and stick to healthy foods when you do eat.

Lose Weight With Intermittent Fasting

Can you lose weight with intermittent fasting? Scientists and doctors have found that intermittent fasting can be a successful weight loss tool.  Intermittent fasting can help you eat fewer calories, which will help you lose weight.  Because you don’t need to count calories or strictly limit the types of food you eat, many people find it easier than a restricted-calorie diet. Benefits A study published in the journal Translational Research followed people using intermittent fasting …

Reducing calories and losing weight is the basic goal for any diet. However, many consider intermittent fasting to be something better.

Is Intermittent Fasting Safe And Healthy?

Intermittent fasting can be deemed safe and healthy for most people who decide to take on this lifestyle change. What is intermittent fasting? Intermittent fasting is all about when you eat your meals only during specific hours during the day, or on certain days. It works by what Johns Hopkins neuroscientist Mark Mattson, PH.D. calls metabolic switching, which is when “the body exhausts its sugar stores and starts burning fat.” Monique Tello, MD, MPH, went …

both intermittent fasting and low-calorie diets lead to weight loss because they reduce overall calories eaten in a day

Intermittent Fasting Vs A Low Calorie Diet

In recent years, a number of new “fad” diets have come to market. Most notably one is called intermittent fasting. But the real question is, how is intermittent fasting vs a low-calorie diet different? While both diets tend to lead to results. It might surprise you to find out they actually affect your body in vastly different ways. Easier To Maintain Long-Term Unsurprisingly, a simple low-calorie diet, while effective in weight loss, is difficult for …

Along with a healthy diet, scientists have found that intermittent fasting is a useful method to improve your health and weight loss.

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

Are you tired of diets that don’t work? The answer, according to researchers, may be intermittent fasting instead of dieting. Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern, not a specific diet. It’s more about when you eat than what you eat. Doctors at John Hopkins Medical Center Have been studying intermittent fasting for over 25 years.  They agree that during prehistoric times, the human body evolved to go without food for long periods. As hunters and …

How to Lose Weight Over 50

Losing weight after the age of 50 can be difficult. In your younger years, you could eat anything you wanted without worrying about gaining weight. But as you turn older, you start to gain weight no matter what you eat. Thus, there is a greater need to track what you are eating and take certain steps to keep the weight off. Once you do gain weight, losing it can be a major issue. Below are …

Weight Loss with a Health Coach

Embarking on a weight loss journey alone can be difficult and defeating.  As you start to change your lifestyle and make efforts to lose weight, staying motivated after a certain period can get increasingly challenging. Especially if you are doing it alone.  In addition, there are so many diet plans out there. It can be difficult to choose the right diet plan.   But, achieving weight loss should be a source of happiness and not stress …

Instead of running to a diet to lose weight at a rapid pace, make lasting changes to your lifestyle to enjoy weight loss that can be maintained for life.

5 Reasons Why Diets Don’t Work

Walk down any magazine aisle or the health section of the bookstore, and you will see a wide array of articles and books that discuss one diet or another. Some will be about comparing certain diets, and which one is best. Food stores have foods, shakes, and multiple products to add to your plan, social media is crawling with ads for them. It’s natural to want to try one to get to your goal weight …

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